Social Share & Locker Pro Wordpress Plugin v.7.8

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Social Share&Locker Pro is far away the best Social sharing plugin for WordPress. Was built to cover all the necessities and to gets more Shares into your website.

With a Social Locker module integrated, brings over the Social Network a bigger exposure and viral visitors.

There’s no other sharing plugin that has the depth of options that you get from this one. Multiple Sharing Buttons, Different Display showcases, Followers buttons, Social Content Locker. If you do need help with something, the Support Team is ready to answer on all your questions

Social Networks for Sharing

Social Share&Locker is the only plugin on the market where the share buttons actually works very well. There are 60 share options: FaceBook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Vkontakte, DiggDigg, Stumbleupon, Tumblr, Reddit, Delicious, Weibo, Xing, Print Friendly, Email Sharing, Odnoklassniki, Whatsapp, Bufferapp,, Meneame, Evernote, GetPocket, Flattr, ManageWP, MySpace, Yahoo Mail, GMail, HackerNews, Blogger, Amazon, Newsvine, Viadeo, DOUBAN, Baidu,, Yammer, SMS, Viber, Telegram, Comments, Love This, AOL, Flipboard, Send Email

You can control how your Sharing Buttons will show up, using a specific Template, horizontal/vertical position, with or without Network name or Social Counts.

Social Locker integration


The best way to spread your content and increase the the amount of traffic to your Website from most used Social Networks: FaceBook, Twitter, Google+ & LinkedIn .

Packed with special feature the Social Locker can become a dynamic tool for your social strategy. There you can set a Delay Time or to AutoUnlock some content after a while. The Visitors may needs to Share again your Page if you set the Locker to Reset after a certain time.

Just set in place the Smart Targeting Locker options

  • Registered Users – Based on Users status (logged or not logged) can Show/Hide the Social Locker
  • User Has Commented – If the current user is Logged, based on his Comments (if he done or not) the Locker can show up or can be hidden.
  • Users Roles – Show/Hide the Locker based on User WP Roles
  • Visits Only From Specific Ref – Such as Google, Yahoo, Big or even Custom Refs
  • Mobile Devices – The Social Locker can be hidden when your page is visited from a smartphone or tablet.


Social Share & Locker Pro Wordpress Plugin is the ultimate social plugin built to help all the customers being more visible into the Social Networks. Is not just a simple social plugin, is that plugin that cover all the necessities and desires. With just few clicks you can set your social icons exactly into the right place or you can lock your content requesting a share on one of the social networks available.

Social Share & Locker Pro WordPress Plugin is very very easy to use and counts provided are the real share counts. The social plugin check with the Social Networks included into the plugin to get exactly the number of shares for your page, nothing less, nothing more.

Social Network Included

We’ve focused on the most important Social Networks used into the wide world. 38 Social Networks are available:

  • FaceBook
  • Twitter
  • Google Plus
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • Vkontakte
  • DiggDigg
  • Stumbleupon
  • Tumblr
  • Reddit
  • Delicious
  • Weibo
  • Xing
  • Print Friendly
  • Email Sharing
  • Odnoklassniki
  • Whatsapp
  • Bufferapp
  • Meneame
  • Evernote
  • GetPocket
  • Flattr
  • ManageWP
  • MySpace
  • Yahoo Mail
  • GMail
  • HackerNews
  • Blogger
  • Amazon
  • Newsvine
  • Viadeo
  • Baidu
  • Yammer
  • SMS
  • Viber
  • Telegram
  • Comments
  • Love This
  • AOL
  • Flipboard
  • Send Email
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