Revolution Lightbox v.2.0

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Revolution Lightbox is a flexible and responsive lightbox, that allows to create galleries of multimedia content in a popup window. Built with techniques and using the latest Javascript and CSS thechniques it offers advanced features to showcase your media.

Revolution Lightbox main features

Responsive Layout – fully responsive and adaptable regardless of which device is used.

Display Anything You Can Think Of – display images (.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp, .gif, .tif, .tiff, .jfi, .jfif, .exif, .svg), audio (.mp3, .m4a, .acc), Shoutcast, Icecast, video (.mp4, .webm, .ogv), Youtube, Vimeo, HLS/HTTP Live Streaming/m3u8, DASH MPEG, Google Drive, Dropbox and other cloud platforms, PDF, HTML content, Iframe and more…

Static Content And Dynamic Content – the static content will automatically create the lightbox galleries and add the necessary events to the page elements related to a query selector, on the other hand, the dynamic content allows displaying one or more galleries created from hidden HTML markup or JSON by clicking an element in the page at your choosing.

Easy To Configure And Install – easy to include in your project. Featuring detailed documentation and video tutorials with sample demo pages ready for use.

Desktop And Mobile Optimized – support for mouse and touch for mobile devices and touch screens.

Graphics Image .png Skin Or Vector Skin – customizable skin with png image icons or vector SVG icons, visually the vector and graphics skins look the same. Figma/.fig files included plus about how to use the graphics and vector skin.

Automatic Media Content Type Detection – Revolution Lightbox will set the appropriate type (video, audio, image, etc) based on the media URL, to the media items without any extra requirements.

Deeplinking – unique and shareable link for the current opened gallery item.

Modal Support – possibility to set the lightbox as modal, this way it can only be closed using the close button.

Static And Dynamic Content – the only lightbox in the world with both static and dynamic content.

Custom Media Query Selector – set your Custom Query Selector to any CSS selector as a class name(s) or attribute(s) in order to open the matching element(s) from your document.

Lazy Loading – this feature is loading the images and video posters in the background for a seamless user experience.

Keyboard Support – ESC: close lightbox, LEFT & RIGHT ARROWS: skip video 10 seconds forward or backward if the video is playing or change slides if the video is not playing, F: video fullscreen/normalscreen, UP & DOWN ARROWS: video volume up or volume down, M: video mute/unmute, SPACE: video play/pause.

Drag Support – drag support to navigate between slides/items on both mouse and touch-based screens.

Buttons Auto Hide – the lightbox buttons (close, share, next, prev, etc) can hide after several seconds of user inactivity, the duration for this can be set as needed.

Item Buttons Navigation – next and previous buttons to navigate to the next or previous slide/item.

Slideshow & Slideshow Button – lightbox slideshow using a play/pause button, the time interval between slides can be set in milliseconds.

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  • с 31/03/2022
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  • Товары 352
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