Muzzie - Music, Podcast & Radio Streaming Platform v.3.5

  • Поделиться:
  • Bulk upload: you will be able to upload mutitple songs at ones. Songs will be saved with their metadata.
  • FFMPEG & HLS streaming: you will be able to stream track using the HLS technology with the help of FFMPEG library.
  • Youtube dl: you will be able to convert youtube videos to audio files.
  • Campaigns: You will be able to play audio ads between a certain number of tracks. Additionally, you can show a banner during the campaign play.
  • Radio stations: radio stations now have their separate pages. This is very usefull since you can also share the radio stations and they can be indexed by the search engine.
  • Podcast episodes: podcast episodes also have have their separate pages.
  • Play/Pause buttons on all media content overall the application.
  • FTP connection.
  • Image optimization for covers & artworks..
  • Roles: now you can create custom roles and sync the changes with all the existing accounts.
  • Premium audio sample: now premium songs can be optionally stoped after few seconds and the purchase dialog will be shown.
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0 Продаж
  • с 31/03/2022
  • Рейтинг
  • Товары 352
  • Продаж 3
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