Koble | Mailchimp Business Email Template Sets

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Koble is an excellent set of creative email templates for your business. It lets you focus on your customers and what matters most to you with a beautiful design and functionality. Koble has been made using HTML and inline CSS and is fully responsive, making it easy to use on any device. It is also compatible with Gmail, Yahoo, and Outlook(web), so you can rest assured that your emails will look great on any device.

Deliver the optimal experience to your subscriber’s inbox. We’re constantly repairing and modifying the code. Due to the email design’s limitations, you’ll find that every template of more than 200 modules is essentially the same layout with a different color or text alignment. As a result, we attempt to prioritize code consistency and a distinctive design.

Today’s purchase includes lifetime free updates. The price can increase in a future update, so purchase it now while it is still available!

Template feature

  • Template Builder by StampReady Please learns more information about SR at stampready.net.
  • Recommend software for customizing is Dreamweaver.
  • Commented HTML.
  • Figma files
  • 8 Notification Layout (at v 1.7)
  • More than 200 unique modules from all templates.
  • The All-in-one 1 template includes 166 modules.(not included container layout)
  • All-in-one 2 templates included 41 modules specifically for container layout from 3 Main templates.
  • 15 Unique main templates design, plus 8 unique notifications.
  • Invoice template for your business
  • A modern hybrid coding style allows for a more flexible table structure.
  • Mobile-friendly. (best on the native email app)
  • Support for three of the most common email clients: Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo on both iOS and Android.
  • Also responsive in Yahoo Mail app and Outlook mail app on a mobile device, and stacking correctly in Gmail app.
  • Capable of saving and reusing customized templates in the StampReady builder.
  • Conversion Centered Design
  • Advanced lossy compression is used with both png and jpg assets files (reduce png, jpg file size 70 percent )
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