GoStock - Free and Premium Stock Photos Script It is a platform to share stock photos free and premium of high quality, users will be able to upload their photos to share with the whole community and visitors, and may receive donations through PayPal. In addition users will be able to give you like, comment, share and add to collections your favorite photos.Features:
Built with Laravel 8Subscription SystemStripe ConnectPWAReferralsStorage (Local, Amazon, DigitalOcean, Wasabi, Vultr)2FA authenticationTaxesInvoices for payments madeBootstrapFont AwesomeFacebook, Twitter and Google LoginFollow / Unfollow systemLike in PhotosCollections of PhotosCategoriesNotifications Real-timeLatest, Featured, Popular, Most Commented, Most Viewed, Most Downloads sectionsPhoto searchDownload photos in different sizeSearch for photos by colors and camerasMembers can upload unlimited photosUpdates photosOption Delete AccountMembers can change their name, email and passwordUpload AvatarUpload CoverChange passwordDonations through PayPal for membersXSS: Protection from cross site scriptingSecure Bcrypt password hashingSMTP SupportShare socialEasy translationAjax pagination in Photos and CommentsComment systemLike in commentsFeed section (Posts by users you follow)Admin Features:
Create/Edit PlansManage SubscriptionsCreate taxesMaintenance modeManage roles and permissionsChange the site nameChange the site title welcomeManage General Settings and LimitsStatisticsSet keywords for the site. (SEO)Add a description (SEO)Create/Edit pages e.g.: Help, Privacy, etc.Manage CategoriesManage PhotosManage Members.Manage Members, Photos ReportedSet up social accountsManage Google Adsense, Google AnalyticsAmong other functions…